RainMaker & ChangeMaker Directory

Every day, from June 1 - July 31, 2024, I drew and wrote about RainMakers & ChangeMakers, posting them as notes and then also posting more information about that individual here on this page!

Each post below includes a “Small Art Big Heart” index card art entry as well as a story about the individual. The 61 entries represent 34 grassroots organizations working in the areas of climate change mitigation, permaculture, regenerative agriculture, poverty alleviation through skill building and income generation, the arts, and education. The countries represented here are: Kenya, Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo (by virtue of the dozen+ DRC refugees featured here), Malawi, Ghana, and Ethiopia. I also highlighted two supporter/donors from Australia and the United States.

Full List of ChangeMaker Organizations

Canada (1)

  • Never Again International - Canada

Ethiopia (1)

  • Hope for Ethiopia Permaculture Project

Ghana (1)

  • Belinda Akongo, Ubuntu ChangeMaker

Kenya (16)

  • K5Village

  • Kotengu Village Farming Project

  • Kakamega Days for Girls

  • Life Skills for Better Future

  • Kwetu Regenerative Hub

  • Shisaba Water Resource Initiative

  • Dolls & Lions Project

  • Social Action for Vulnerable Individuals

  • SheGenerators Perma Hub

  • Regenerative Agriculture for Community Empowerment

  • Future Within CBO

  • Strong Unity for Refugee Empowerment

  • PermoAfrica Centre

  • Sustainable Innovations

  • Agape Hope for Kibera

  • Life Foundation Aid

Malawi (3)

  • Thuchila Youth Empowerment Network

  • Kunyasa Dimba Eduplant Inspired

  • WasteFree in ‘23 in Malawi

Uganda (12)

  • Iganga Women & Youth Centre

  • Go Green Social Initiative

  • Nakivale Young Talent Community

  • TeleMed Community Based Organization

  • Art for Positive Change Center

  • Stella Rose Amuge, Impact Evaluation Researcher

  • Permaculture Initiative Uganda

  • Nakivale Women’s Crafters Collective

  • New Talent for the Best Future

  • TAPA, Teso Advanced Permaculture Association

  • Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

  • Folona






United States