Jonas Fadweck, Thuchila Youth Empowerment Network
Today is Day 5 of 61 days of Small Art Big Heart featuring ChangeMakers. Today I drew Jonas Chabroka Fadweck. Jonas is 34 and lives in Thuchila, Mulanje District, the southeastern part of Malawi. His organization is called the Thuchila Youth Empowerment Program.
His main mission is to promote the welfare of vulnerable groups in his community through sustainable development goals. There is so much more to say about Jonas, but he has recently had a family emergency. We are postponing the rest of our conversation and a write up until things have settled for him.
Jonas’s Personal ChangeMaker
When asked who has inspired him in his life, who his personal ChangeMaker is, he identified Elisabeth Fekonia, an Australian-based (Queensland specifically) permaculture practitioner, cheese and sourdough making teacher, permaculture trainer, author, and YouTuber! She can be found at Permaculture RealFood.
Where in the world is Jonas?
Jonas lives in the southeastern corner of Malawi in Thuchila, Mulanje Distric.